Saturday, February 15, 2020
10 am – 2pm
Emerald Coast Conference Center
The Innov8+ STEM Community Day will bring families together to enjoy and participate in a showcase of new and exciting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) outreach programs such as FIRSTĀ® Robotics and Drone Team Challenge, including hands on activities that feature the innovative applications of STEM utilized by local businesses industry employers and organizations.
Online registrants will be eligible for exciting door prizes – Register for free TODAY!
Free Innov8+ STEM Community Day is a showcase of new and exciting STEM outreach programs!
Innov8+ steering committee members provide a variety of STEM related programs to students and families in Northwest Florida. Join us for this STEM Community Day, where you will be able to take part in a variety of indoor and outdoor activities. Participants will also get a sneak peek into our Drone Team Competition and FIRSTĀ® Robotics Competitions. We promise you will have fun learning new things!